Writing an article on the benefits of dance to mental health is easy. Countless parents have credited our classes for the surge in newfound confidence within their children. I regularly watch shy children find and cement friendship groups within the dance class that I know will be cherished for a lifetime. I have watched on as young dancers express themselves in a way that is not possible elsewhere. I have seen a child transform before my very eyes when they finally master that pesky move they once thought they would never get. In that moment self belief is born.
To the unbeliever this may sound a little far fetched. It's not. Dance teachers have observed these trends for years, and now with a rise in mental health awareness, the experts are agreeing with us. A study published in www.mentalhealth.org.uk recognises the mood boosting benefits of a dance class - even weeks after the dance programme has ended.
in a number of other studies conducted in non-clinical environments, when placed in a 12-week dance and movement program, teenagers diagnosed with mild to moderate depression also “showed reduced levels of depression”.
According to a study at Oxford University there is evidence that dancing along with others promotes social bonding and interconnectedness. We all already know that when you move you feel good. But the evidence points to the added advantages of moving TOGETHER.
Swedish researchers studied more than 100 teenage girls who were struggling with issues like depression and anxiety. Half of the girls attended weekly dance classes, while the other half didn’t. The results showed the girls who took the dance classes improved their mental health and reported a boost in their mood. These positive effects lasted up to eight months after the dance classes ended. The researchers concluded dance could result in a very positive experience for participants and could potentially contribute to sustained new healthy habits.
This article I have written from the point of view from a teacher who regularly observes these findings. But if I may, I would like to add that I experience them as a dancer too. Whilst my body may not be able to do what it once did my ability to benefit from dancing to a beat, expressing an idea and moving simultaneously through the same space as others around me is nothing short of magical.
Whilst medical advice must always be sought if you have concerns over mental health, it is easy to see why some doctors are now prescribing dance classes.
The dance class is where I belong and its where my dancers find they belong too. There we laugh, bond, create and heal.
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